Health and beauty
Published: 11:16

Diabetes can be cured and you can live healthy! 90 years of Singapore academics share the secrets of his victory over diabetes

Famous endocrinologist, inventor, professor, academic, Nobel laureate, as well as many other medical awards in Singapore . Maksim Chong who retired at 65, but his soul never retires in the medical field. Now Maksim is 90 years old, and has not exceeded ordinary sugar for 3 years. In addition, the professor admitted that he is still in the sixties of the last century.

Professor Chong says he has discovered the secret of diabetes and it can be cured at any stage. To date, former endocrinologists have confirmed his statement.

Our reporter was able to interview him. Professor Chong explains in detail the methodology for combating diabetes.

Reporter: Professor Chong, you have repeatedly argued that cleaning the pancreas is the key to treating diabetes. Why do you think so?

Professor Chong: Simple. The work of all internal organs and systems depends on the quality of the blood supply. In any case, what is meant by blood supply - is the delivery of oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide and metabolic products to the internal organs. In childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, we move, and our vessels are new, flexible, and clean - all with maximum organ ternutrisi. However, with age, movement became less and less, and blood vessels became polluted. It is caused by various factors - not only dangerous things (eg, smoking, poor diet, environment, lifestyle not moving or not exercising), but also the opponent or the food we eat (fat deposition, for example, happens to everyone ).

Are the ships polluted? Imagine a pipe that has not been cleaned. What happens in the end? As a result, the pipe was covered with a thick layer of rust, lime and other insoluble sediments, and the water itself became tasteless. The same thing happened with the internal organs. When cholesterol or other substances are stored in the vessels, the blood is obtained with dust, and the blood supply does not become as it should. As a result, all organs and systems suffer, and cease to function as conceived by nature. The same thing happens in the pancreas. This is where insulin is produced, which breaks down blood sugar. With clogged blood vessels, the pancreas is unable to complete its work and the cells stop reacting to insulin.

Pictures from the last presentation of Professor Chong.

If you clean the pancreatic antagonist regularly, you can live at least 120 years and not know what diabetes is. Meanwhile, no one will harm you - or your organs, and the brain will function well. That is, by cleaning the vessels, you can extend life and your health at a significant discount. This is not just a theory. My friends struggle with this disease right after he retires and suffers from type 2 diabetes. And all my endocrinology experience helps to find a solution for it.

So there is a gradual pollution. White dot areas are a problem that prevents cells from interacting with insulin. As a result, there is an excess of glucose in the body.

Reporter: Pathology What caused the increase in sugar?

Professor Chong: All living things suffer. But, of course, the organs and systems in which the vascular system is well developed are primarily affected.

Diabetes causes diseases such as:

  • Diabetes rhinopathic high blood sugar slightly changes the walls of the blood vessels of the retina and makes them hollow and irregular. cause total blindness.
  • diabetic foot. In most cases, amputation is .
  • Intermittent claudication. Narrowing of the arteries of the lower extremity is called peripheral arterial occlusion or OPA. Initially, the disease is manifested by cooling and tingling, often ending in disability.
  • Swollen thrombosis and occlusive lesions of peripheral arteries. Damage to the vascular wall from time to time leads to calcium deposition, which leads to atherosclerosis
  • kidney damage; Damage to blood vessel walls as blood sugar continues to rise also affects the small blood vessels (capillaries) in the kidneys.

In order for you to appreciate all the risks of diabetes, I want to show you some pictures.

Diabetic rhinopathies cause partial or complete blindness.

diabetic foot. The photo shows all the stages, and the case ended with the amputation of a finger.

Thrombosis and occlusive lesions of the peripheral arteries of the lower extremities.

It happens in different places! In Singapore , four times as many people die from complications of diabetes than in other countries. Doctors know this, they know that it is necessary to clean the pancreas and restore the breakdown of glucose, but for some reason there is no such practice in the treatment of Singapore . Doctors only prescribe medications that the patient must take for the rest of his life. However, they do not cure, they provide only a temporary effect. It is very important in this case to clean the vessels. By the way, in the West, everyone after 35-40 years has been doing this for more than half a century. This means that I know very well how to clean bowls. Why don't people think that's a big question for me.

Reporter: Are there symptoms that can understand that these organs are contChongated?

Professor Chong: Yes, of course.

The main symptoms include:

  • sustainable sugar increase discounts
  • Migraine
  • Poor memory
  • Reducing persistent/chronic fatigue
  • insomnia
  • Problems in the intimate sphere
  • Impaired vision and hearing
  • high blood pressure
  • Shortness of breath and angina pectoris
  • Pale skin on feet
  • Muscle and joint pain

In fact, the organ became contChongated very quickly due to the blood vessels, especially in the elderly. To do this, you don't need to eat burgers or fries all day. Just eat sausage or fried eggs, so the amount of cholesterol deposited in the vessels. Over time, cholesterol builds up.

Reporter: Let's get to the point - can you tell us the secret to your diabetes?

Professor Chong: Until recently, the process of preparing to clean the pancreas and adjust glucose uptake took several months. I myself collect herbs, search for them in the market or order online, and then prepare a potion. Now I do not do this, because recently my colleague, based on a formula that I developed, created a very good and cheap drug designed to cleanse blood vessels. In Singapore it is called GlucoPRO . For our purposes, this is perfect.

GlucoPRO is an excellent alternative that allows you to normalize glucose processing for 2-3 weeks of regular intake. I also want to note that this drug does not contain any chemicals, but only a highly concentrated extract of the plant is useful, so it is not harmful to the body, but also very useful. Looking at the antiquity, the patient is still in contact with me, including about pancreatic problems. Recently, I suggest this drug only. It helps a lot of people and is very good.

In Singapore , this drug has been used for about a year, so there are no official statistics from the Endocrine Research Institute for cleaning blood vessels, obtained from clinical studies. Total discount, about 2,000 patients participated in this study. They all take care of GlucoPRO .

Study results during treatment with GlucoPRO :

  • Normalization of glucose levels in 1-2 days after taking the drug - 99% of the studied
  • Normalization of metabolic processes Total discount per treatment - 97% of the studied
  • Cleaning bowls per treatment - 99% of people
  • Improving the effectiveness of treating chronic diseases - 99% of the studied
  • Improving the general health discount - 100% of participants
  • There are no side effects from taking the drug - 100% of the studied

Urgently! As a result, we have concluded that June is the best time to start treatment. Due to the stabilization of the average temperature, the metabolism of the body is accelerated by the effect of increased drug use. Healing is 37% faster than at any other time this year

Reporter: How much does GlucoPRO cost and where can we get it?

Professor Chong: You probably know that many drugs are too expensive for me now. Having said that, I do not recommend expensive drugs. GlucoPRO medicines are very affordable, especially now that the drug has become a major drug in the anti-diabetes programs in Singapore and can be obtained at a reduced price.

Conditions for obtaining GlucoPRO in the program:

  • For those who live in areas that participate in this program (such as Sudong)
    Only residents of the region where the program is currently operating can benefit from this discount.
  • For personal use only.
    It is essential to deal with retailers trying to offset the massive GlucoPRO discount and resell it at an additional cost.
  • The contents of the application through the official website of the program, or through the application form
    The official website is product price guarantees and retailers protection

As part of this program, GlucoPRO is distributed at a reduced price, so that every resident of Singapore can get the medicine and forget about diabetes and its complications forever! To participate in the procedure and receive the GlucoPRO discount, you must leave the application on the official form no later than , applications can leave by adults over 35 years of age living in Singapore.

official application form

29957 on
To receive GlucoPRO with the Regional Discount Program.
To get " GlucoPRO " with discount, write your names and contact you in the fields below and click on "Submit form"
98 $
49 $
* Secret. Your data is sent directly to the factory. Nobody except those who have access to it.

12 hours added | Editors' note: Important news! Currently, the program runs until inclusive. Before the end of the promotion, the original GlucoPRO can be obtained through everyone's official website! At this time, promotional offer: 24 packs.

Reporter: Thank you very much, Professor Chong, for discounting the detailed interview.


Thank you very attractive. GlucoPRO is in great demand in the market. One of the surviving advisors told him it's still a really small phone. So, whoever wrote what you want, quickly send a message!

Posted 23 hours ago

I was one of those who tried this drug successfully. Sugar levels return to normal. Thirst and dry mouth are gone as well. And now he stopped running to the toilet, and I got dizzy. The sugar after treatment was checked every day - there is an increase in sugar ga. It has been two months after treatment. I feel rich in healthy people. I really advise you all.

Posted 22 hours ago

Thank you very attractive. I read on the GlucoPRO website. This drug was equally admired.

Posted 19 hours ago

And I received yesterday. In the beginning when the doubt is completely free. I think that kind of temptation. But the drugs started drinking and I didn't pay any money.

Posted 18 hours ago

I made a request from the web. They promise that within 5 days I can receive the parcel by mail. I really hope so. Already tired of diabetes. Even though I'm not that old

Posted 17 hours ago

Diabetes was a serious disease. I have four years of fighting this disease, I don't want outside work. Having said that, I don't believe in leg amputations etc. But a few days ago, I fainted. My family took me to the hospital. It turned out that everything was very bad. The kidneys are in a precancerous condition, the blood vessels are very dilapidated, so the doctors are shocked. Here, there is no cure for this disease. I've heard a lot about GlucoPRO and I've heard a lot about it, but I don't know where to order from. Now I know where to order. Thank you!

Posted 16 hours ago

Really effective GlucoPRO boss wow! I'm back to drink two weeks. Too long time already this good hungry weight, normal blood sugar also already boss again.

Posted 15 hours ago

How do I buy GlucoPRO ?

Posted 15 hours ago

Achillies, here is the link if you want to buy GlucoPRO , hurry while there is still a discount program. It really helps!

Posted 14 hours ago

Attwell, thanks, I already asked, but response took how many days, huh?

Posted 12 hours ago

Achillies, we have the same, so it can be up to about 3 days

Posted 12 hours ago

The main goal of Singaporean doctors - now the new plasticity. They just want the money, just us! Ja drug sweeper free even of pharmacy drugs. Buy more fix because there are more properties and benefits from the doctor even considering that the drug is expensive and you just have to spend all the money. They often scare diabetics.

Posted 10 hours ago

I use GlucoPRO a year ago. I want to write directly from this site. 1.5 years I like healthy people. Of all that I have tried, GlucoPRO is really the best drug. Use this medicine without hesitation, as this is the way to get rid of the disease!

Posted 10 hours ago

My friend uses this drug. She lives in Malaysia. I have also been treated, and in fact there may be many Asian countries already a step ahead of Singapore . They do not even bring these medicines into the Singapore Hospital.

Posted 9 hours ago

I only have problems like this but yes thank goodness now I found a site that makes GlucoPRO about a month ago. Thank God that through this medication I survived my diabetes.

Posted 9 hours ago

Is this really a cure for diabetes? Well, the same doctor who just wrote the medicine is meaningless

Posted 8 hours ago

Thanks, GlucoPRO help very quickly! I ordered it on the official website of the manufacturer! Do not postpone treatment, it is better to get rid of diabetes now than to cure itself and even delay it until it can no longer move.

Posted 7 hours ago

Thanks..were it not for the mother, I certainly would not believe in the same effects as these medicines! For more than 5 years of my life with a husband who suffers from diabetes. Pity and sadness. And now it is the soul of life. A new hope! PS package really sent!

Posted 7 hours ago

I was a representative for the manufacturer of GlucoPRO . May Bo know how long it took to take care of her husband?

Sincerely, Minnie

Posted 7 hours ago

About 3 months, but in fact after 20 days I was able to see the sugar content not increasing anymore.

Posted 7 hours ago

Good light, I understand, thank you.

Sincerely, Minnie

Posted 7 hours ago

The result exceeded expectations! Natural end of sugar in 16 days! I'll take some extra packages for my friends.

Posted 6 hours ago

Today, I have a message from GlucoPRO .
Once again there was a promotion on the manufacturer, hurry!
On the official website, I order and really order on the back phone and confirm the order. I'm really Benjen finally living in peace, and hiking again)

Posted 5 hours ago

Vuh. Message succeeded! I want this treatment. Doctor using GA drugs, diabetes can die.

Posted 4 hours ago

In our friends in private pharmacies, GlucoPRO sold 10 times more expensive, so I do not dare to buy, I pity the money if I buy at the pharmacy. And here I can see my free and book it right away. Sugar does not rise again.

Posted 3 hours ago

But pharmacies are also trying to sell this drug. It will certainly be an unpleasant experience for the mother if you buy from the pharmacy at such high prices.

Posted 2 hours ago

I have been using GlucoPRO for about six months now. I cured my diabetes in just two and a half months, and now I always have GlucoPRO ready in my medicine cabinet, just in case.

Posted 1 hours ago

I also have a message on the official website. It helps perfectly. If you have a problem with sugar - I highly recommend it, believe me - whatever makes the pain go away. They sent packages a prompt treatment, and I received it within 3 days.

Posted 41 minutes ago

Friends, may ask where bought? At the pharmacy, I was looking for products but didn't sell them, but I'm also afraid to buy online. I do not want counterfeit goods, waste money Eat counterfeit goods.

Posted 21 minutes ago

I repeat once again that GlucoPRO is reserved only on the official website, so that no one clicks on the link above! GlucoPRO is distributed specifically to residents of Singapore, at a reduced price, but this program will be valid until , so hurry up with a message!
And beware of deception.

Sincerely, Minnie

Posted 9 minutes ago

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